Wisycom EXP3 RF over Fiber Expansion board 3

Wisycom EXP3 RF over Fiber

Expansion board 3

Varenr: 122581
Bestillingsvare (6 dager)

Jesper Kolvig


+47 23 19 96 07






EXP3 is an optional accessory which can be mounted on MRK980 and MRK16.

This expansion board enables RF over Fiber feature allowing reception without distance limits!
The fiber module allows to replace the coaxial cable and place the antennas miles away.

This module allows you to significantly increase the versatility and functionality of the MRK980 and MRK16 device,
adding RF Over Fiber reception.

This board can be integrated in all MRK16 and in any MRK980 with option EXP0 (maximum one per receiver) even at a
later time, should the need arise to implement RF over fiber feature.
