Zaxcom MIX-16 control surface 24 track recording

Zaxcom MIX-16 control surface

24 track recording

Varenr: 117605
Bestillingsvare (9 dager)

Jesper Kolvig


+47 23 19 96 07






The light-weight Mix-16 is an intuitive control surface solution for Deva 24. Combined, the system delivers 24 track recording that can be controlled by 16 motorized faders in five banks found on the Mix-16. Any combination of input channels on Deva 24 can be assigned to any of the five banks using any combination of analog or digital inputs.  This provides sound recordists with an integrated recording and mixing solution capable of solving a variety of workflows.


Each fader has a bright LED input meter and an input trim located at the top of the console with mix tracks one and two featuring two LED meters. The Mix-16 is equipped with a pre fader listen (PFL) monitoring system that allows you to listen to channel audio before the fader is closed.

Mix-16 has the ability to control the ZaxNet remote control function of Deva 24. Pre amp gain adjustments can be sent directly to Zaxcom Digital Recording Wireless transmitters from the input control pots on the control surface during a live recording.
