K-Tek KCH3 Cable Hanger Black, Set of 2 K-Tek KCH3 Cable Hanger Black, Set of 2 K-Tek KCH3 Cable Hanger Black, Set of 2

K-Tek KCH3 Cable Hanger

Black, Set of 2

Varenr: 118942
Bestillingsvare (6 dager)

Jesper Kolvig


+47 23 19 96 07






The ultimate solution in cable management. The KCHB3 cable hangers allow cables, headphones, or other items to be hung in an organized manner on the Stingray audio bags, harness or other places.

The mini, durable carabiner can hook on to most attachment points. The adjustable strap and buckle secure your items without the noise or feel of Velcro, keeping your headphone padding intact.

Comes in a set of two.
