Glensound GS-FW012 Four Channel 4 Wire Box Glensound GS-FW012 Four Channel 4 Wire Box Glensound GS-FW012 Four Channel 4 Wire Box

Glensound GS-FW012

Four Channel 4 Wire Box

Varenr: 120658
Bestillingsvare (12 dager)

  • Mains powered 230 VAC
  • Four 4 wire circuits
  • 1 x program input
  • Internal or external Mic input with individual gain controls
  • Compressor/ limiter circuit for mic
  • Lever key switches send mic to 4 wire outputs
  • 4 wire & program inputs are transformer balanced
  • 4 wire & program inputs have volume level controls
  • Audio present LEDs on all 5 audio inputs
  • Program input can be routed to any of the 4 wire outputs (operating the lever key replaces that channels output with the mic audio)
  • 4 wire inputs can be routed to their own output (IFB) (operating the lever key replaces that channels output with the mic audio)
  • Front panel Loudspeaker
  • Headphone Jack (breaks LS)
  • Overall LS/ Headphone volume control
  • Variable LS dim (when leverkeys switched)
  • Audio connections on rear panel XLRs


This is a mains powered desktop/ portable unit that provides 4 off 4 wire circuits with the useful addition of 1 extra audio input (PGM). 


- Circuits 1 and 2 have none latching push buttons instead of lever keys.
- There is a solid plastic scribble strip above the lever keys
- Four additional female XLR outputs (1 per circuit)

The A version was a customer modification. Glensound can also look at further variations for your requirement so please call or email with the requirements.

This option maintains the features of the GS-FW012 but adds a lazy talkback output.

This option maintains the features of the GS-FW012 but adds a script panel.