Conductive Labs MRCC Remote 7 Remote 7 for MRCC

Conductive Labs MRCC Remote 7

Remote 7 for MRCC

Varenr: 121490
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Conductive Labs MRCC Remote 7

Cleanly and conveniently extend the MRCC’s MIDI outputs with the Remote 7!  Adds five routable 5 Pin DINs, plus two shared 3.5MM TRS MIDI jacks (one MIDI TRS standard type A, and one type B) over a shielded Ethernet cable. A 10 meter (32 ft.) Ethernet cable is included and automatically added to your order.

Requires the MRCC, sold separately. Only one Remote 7 can be connected to an MRCC. If you are connecting 2 MRCC together, you will need a custom RJ45 splitter (make a request using our Contact page) to use the Remote 7.
Teknisk info


- Funksjon & bruk
  • Bordmodell
  • Fjernstyrbar
- Grensesnitt (Protokoll) MIDI
- Tilkoblinger (Pluggtype HW)
  • DIN 5 pin MIDI
  • Minijack
  • RJ45
