1units variant av mini SHORTI DB25 Patchbay
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2x48x1RU (Order No. WDBP-961-SH)
TRS out only to DB25 Female Connectors; Quick-Switch™ Normalling. Digital Ready.
The next generation of Shorti Patchbays has arrived; this 2x48 audio patchbay is wired to DB25 connectors. This unit features exceptional flexibility with the Audio Accessories, Inc. exclusive Quick-Switch normalling system located on the rear of the panel. The Quick-Switch normalling allows you to set the individual normals on a per jack pair basis. This enables you to full-normal (FN), half-normal (HN) or non-normal (NN) by sliding the switches into the appropriate position. You also have grounding options: isolated, bussed, or grounds vertically strapped (GVS).
FN = Full-Normalled
HN = Half-Normalled (Row 1 to Row 2)*
NN = Non-Normalled
GVS = Grounds Vertically Strapped
GB = Grounds Bussed (Row 1 and Row 2)** All units shipped Half-Normalled (HN) and Grounds Bussed (GB)