Heritage Audio Súper 8 Micpre 8 ch med ADC Heritage Audio Súper 8 Micpre 8 ch med ADC Heritage Audio Súper 8 Micpre 8 ch med ADC Heritage Audio Súper 8 Micpre 8 ch med ADC Heritage Audio Súper 8 Micpre 8 ch med ADC

Heritage Audio Súper 8

Micpre 8 ch med ADC

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Heritage Audio Súper 8

8 Channel Transformer Class A MIC Preamp & Premium ADC


User manual

An all-in-one design to professionally capture and record up to 8 signals. Never before has it been so easy to get that vibey, classic sound and instantly have it digitized and sent on to a DAW. With this extremely portable unit you can take your rig anywhere while assuring the best results possible. With the possibilities of capturing MIC, LINE or INSTRUMENT level signals all the bases are covered.


The built in analog to digital converter uses the latest technology to offer pristine conversion at a user selectable sampling frequency. The Súper 8 can either be the Master or Slaved to another unit as there is a BNC IN & OUT for reliable syncing. It even offeres an alternate route to the converter via a DB25 connector to expand the unit´s flexibility.


The Súper 8 offers a fantastic, compact solution for when several high quality preamps and top class conversion is needed.
Using our Class A 73 Preamp building experience we were able to fit 8 MIC/Line preamps into a sturdy 2 unit rack. All 8 are faithful to our 3 stage all Class A design with Carnhill transformers fitted at the input and the output. The first two channels also include our high quality JFET DI as well as a fully sweepable Lo-cut filter. All 8 channels include switches for 48 V, Line, Lo-cut (-3 dB at 82 Hz) and Phase.


There is built in analog to digital conversion available on 3 different digital formats: ADAT, AES/EBU and SPDIF with BNC connectors for reliable word clock syncing. Selectable sampling frequencies from 44.1 kHz to 192 kHz.


Not only can the MIC/Line Preamp outputs be directly sent to the DAC, but there also exists the possibility of choosing an alternative input, per channel, for the digital conversion, making this an extremely flexible unit. This can really come in handy if you need to output the preamps to an EQ or compressor before returning them for digital conversion.



  • Microphone input impedance only channels 1 & 2: High=1200 O minimum; Low=300 O minimum. Higher gain positions gradually have greater impedances, optimum for low gain ribbon mics. Input is transformer balanced and floating.
  • Microphone input impedance only channels 3-8: High=1200 O minimum.
  • Line input impedance: 10 kO bridging, transformer balanced and floating.
  • Output impedance: Less than 75 O, transformer balanced and floating, to drive a load of 600 O.
  • D.I. input impedance: Greater than 2 MO, unbalanced (Only Channels 1 & 2).
  • Maximum output: Greater than +26.5 dBu into 600 O (internally terminated).
  • THD: Less than 0.025 % at 1 kHz, Less than 0.05 % at 100 Hz.
  • Frequency response: 20 Hz (+0.3 dB) to 20 kHz (-0.2 dB).
  • Maximum Gain: Slightly greater than 80 dB.
  • Equivalent Input Noise: Less than -125 dBu.
  • Output stage noise: Less than -100 dBu.




  • Connector Type: 9 PIN Breakout Cable (RCA).
  • Format: IEC 958.
  • Supported Sample rates (kHz): 44.1, 48, 88.2, 96, 176.4, 192
  • Connector Type: 9 PIN Breakout Cable (XLR).
  • Format: IEC 60958.
  • Supported Sample rates (kHz): 44.1, 48, 88.2, 96, 176.4, 192.



  • Connector Type: Optical TOSLINK JIS F05.
  • Format: ADAT Digital Lightpipe with S/MUX
  • Supported Sample rates (kHz): 44.1, 48, 88.2, 96, 176.4, 192.
  • Channel Assignments @ 44.1 kHz, 48 kHz: Port 1 = Channels 1 – 8, Port 2 = 1 – 8 (mirrored).
  • Channel Assignments @ 88,2 kHz, 96 kHz: Port 1 = Channels 1 – 4, Port 2 = Channels 5 – 8.
  • Channel Assignments @ 176,4 kHz, 192 kHz: Port 1 = Channels 1 – 2, Port 2 = Channels 3 – 4.



  • Connector Type: BNC.
  • Word Clock Input Termination: 75 O , switchable.



  • Dimensions (W x H x L): 280 mm x 88 mm (2 Rack units) x 482 mm.
  • Weight: 9.450 Kg.
Teknisk info


- Funksjon & bruk 19" rack
- Grensesnitt (Protokoll)
  • S/PDIF
  • WordClock
- Tilkoblinger (Pluggtype HW)
  • BNC
  • DB 25
  • DB25 AES
  • XLR
  • XLR 5 pin
  • ADAT optisk
